The Town Planning profession is just what the title suggests, professional individuals that plan the shaping of cities, towns and regions with the management of private and commercial infrastructure developments.
From humble beginnings, the town planning profession has only increased in numbers with the ongoing need to guide future development for the expanding cities, towns and regions in areas as diverse as housing, energy, health, education, communications, leisure, tourism and transport.
Town Planners work on the behalf of a developer or landowner to advise and assess your development idea and plan. Planners are professionals in developing strategies and reports from their assessments on your proposed development to ensure the best outcome is made to get approval from local council. Town Planners are more of a generalist in the fact there is not one type of development that they are limited by. We can help you get approval for a development on things like a simple house extension or something more complex like an 80-storey mix use tower in the CBD.
As well as assessing and advising on development proposal, Town Planners work alongside local Councils in accordance with the council’s rules and regulations requirements on developments, this is called the Planning Scheme. Town Planners are well educated in the standards required for both small and large developments from local council and plan reports and strategies in accordance with the Planning Scheme.
Once a development proposal has been assessed, Town Planners act on behalf of developer to coordinate a mix of consultants such as architects, landscape architects, surveyors, civil engineers and traffic engineers, to render their professional purpose and demonstrate the development proposals compliance to the Planning Scheme.
Through this, we are able to show local council that the associated codes and requirements are being met and addressed through the development report. If the report shows a contradiction to the Planning Scheme requirements, Town Planners are able to justify why this code or requirement is not met and manage the report and council through a decision process and ultimately to the approval for development.
When you have an idea to develop, contact a town planner. They can advise you quickly whether your proposed development will trigger anything against the Planning Scheme. If your development idea needs some work before compliance to the scheme and therefore approval, A town planner can make the development proposal process quick and relatively smooth for you. Easing the burden of hidden costs and a long approval process.
If you have any queries or require any assistance for your development, please do not hesitate to get in contact with us today on 0401 349 601 or hello@hickeyoatley.com.au.
Image Edits: Rhiannon Smit